Cash Ledger - Expense & Budget

by Meen Technology



Cash Ledger is the No. #1 ⚡ personal money manager 💰 and accounting app to help you manage your income, expenses, budget, assets and liabilities. You can also manage your Exchanges like sales, purchases, loans, liabilities, and many more from this money manager app. We are working to extend functionality to generate 📊 reports in your local and international accounting standards for 🧰 professional and business accounts.✅ Ad-free: Cash Ledger gives you an Ad-free app experience.✅ Transaction Chain: Cash Ledger records your transactions like linked to each other✅ Monthly View: Cash Ledger provide a monthly view of your money activity✅ Budget Management: Easy budgeting with your Cash Ledger✅ Custom Currency: Cash Ledger helps you to manage your custom currencies.✅ Debit Card: Cash Ledger links your debit card with your bank✅ Credit Card: Cash Ledger helps you to manage your credit card expenses✅ Account Group: Easy grouping of similar accounts✅ Local Backup & Restore: Easy local backup of your data with Cash Ledger📣 Explained Application features» 🔀 Transaction ChainCash Ledger links the multiple transactions that indicate money flow from one account to another and categories in income, expense, and exchanges. It makes money management much easier for you. They can easily understand the money flow.» 🗓️ Monthly ViewCash Ledger shows month-wise transaction activity and shorts them according to the most recent update. You can check wise data with just one single click.» 📝 Budget ManagementYou can manage the monthly budget for a specific category of expense, and the Cash Ledger will help you track each expense in that category.» 📊 Overview StatisticsCash Ledger will show pie chart statistics for each month and divide them according to their category. This feature makes it easy to have a quick overview of your money.» 🗃️ Group and AccountsCash Ledger makes groups of the same type of accounts to manage the assets and liability of your accounts. This feature highlights the pending liability and assets.» 🔗 Debit LinksDebit links are a type of account linked with bank accounts or prepaid wallet accounts. These accounts record transactions in the linked bank account and show them as income or expense in your ledger.» 💳 Credit Card (Billable Credit)Credit cards make payments easy and bill your expense at the end of each month. You can select when a credit card generates a bill, the due date and the payment account for the bill.» 🗂️ Transaction CategoriesYou can create your custom category for expense and income transactions. Exchange categories for professionals and businesses will be available soon.» 💾 Backup and Restore DataYou can create a backup of your data and restore it to a new device.This app has all the necessary features you require for quick money management. We will expand its functionality from time to time and bring new features.